What Will This Next Year Be For You? Below are a few more questions that I ask my clients (and myself) each year. They help clarify how you want to learn, grow and succeed over the next twelve months. Give yourself permission to take some time over the next week to reflect and record your … [Read more...] about What Will This Next Year Be For You?
Self Awareness
Find a Scrap Piece of Paper
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." -Gandhi Find a scrap piece of paper. Got it? Now imagine that this piece of scrap paper is you. Let’s say that you promised a friend that you would meet him for lunch at noon. … [Read more...] about Find a Scrap Piece of Paper
Are You Kidding Yourself?
“The first act of self-responsibility, and the base of all the others, is the act of taking responsibility for being conscious – that is, of bringing an appropriate awareness to our activities.” -Nathaniel Branden, author of Taking Responsibility As human beings we are … [Read more...] about Are You Kidding Yourself?
Affirming Your Success
"I nourish my body with just the right amount of healthy, nutritious foods." "I am a loving husband and father who lives a high-quality life." "My work is helping people get the most out of life." These are a few of the affirmations I say to myself each day. … [Read more...] about Affirming Your Success
Ask Yourself “WAIT”
"Many people who have the gift of gab don't know how to wrap it up." -Arnold H. Glasow ASK YOURSELF, "WHY AM I TALKING?" There's an old saying in sales that goes - "You have two ears and one mouth, use them in that ratio." Many people don't realize that the easiest … [Read more...] about Ask Yourself “WAIT”
Why Does Your Work Matter?
"One need not be a servant to be able to serve." -Victor Frankl Last week I went into a San Francisco studio to record the compact disc and audiotape versions of my upcoming book, Extreme Success. I was excited and I really wanted to give my best "performance." Little did I … [Read more...] about Why Does Your Work Matter?