"A living thing is distinguished from a dead thing by the multiplicity of the changes at any moment taking place in it. -Herbert Spencer
One of the most useful tools I have shared with my readers, audiences and coaching clients is the Life Balance Wheel.
It’s an interactive graph that allows you to get a "snapshot" of your current life so you can assess what needs attention, where to set new goals, and how to be more focused, balanced and effective.
After you have filled out your own Life Balance Wheel, you will also find other tips and ideas on how you can use this powerful tool to not only create a more balanced life, but to also clarify what goals and actions you can take to expand your success in your personal and professional life.
To create your own Life Balance Wheel go to free forms.
Mila Kurtich says
What is Self-Esteem and Does it Relate to Being Overweight? An often-asked question is, “What is self-esteem?” Many folks can relate self-esteem, or the lack of it, to being overweight even when they are not exactly sure what it is. Numerous magazines publish self-esteem articles on a monthly basis trying to answer that question. Apparently self-esteem articles sell many magazines because they keep printing them month after month. Too many folks want to define self-esteem as simply feeling good about how they view themselves. That’s a bit too vague to be meaningful. Other people want to go to the other extreme and define people with high self-esteem as being arrogant, narcissistic, conceited, egotistical, or otherwise stuck-up. For our purposes we will offer a definition of self-esteem as being how a person consciously thinks about himself or herself. That’s simple enough, isn’t it? Self-Esteem Development You learn about self-esteem and self-control during your teen years. At least you should. The teen years